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im done with schaub

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Sanchez looks good because his defense is solid. Same with Flacco. Put Schaub on those teams and I imagine they'd win more games. I would say that Schaub is a top 10 QB, and that's more than enough to win in the NFL. But no QB, not Joe Montana, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, (insert hall of famer here) can win when his defense gives up 30+ pts. per game. It's just not possible.

I imagine that this year, Schaub's stats would be even better if our defense could give him the ball more often. The fact of the matter is our defense can't stop anyone and so the offense is never on the field.

Yeah I 100% agree. Was just pointing out to those that want to get rid of the QB that even if Matt was average (I think he's better than that) it's not all on him.

Matt isn't perfect, but I just want to warn some of you...some teams (Bills...Raiders...) have been looking for a decent QB for a while now. Are you guys sure you want to go back to that?

I'm fine with Matt. He's better than at least half of the league and we can't completely forget the year he had last season.
Because he could be elite, that is the frustrating part of the whole dam thing. He stops making stupid mistakes constantly that kill drives, he can be elite. The comparison comes form other ELITE Qbs who do not makes those mistake, thus they are ELITE. It is that simple. This is the same QB that led the NFL last season in yardage, so he can throw the ball, he just makes the dumb mistakes.

Schaub isn't to blame but when he does dumb ass thing like he did tonight and has this season, he helping the cause either....

I would say that part of the reason that Schaub doesn't look elite is that he has no room for error. If he makes a mistake as every QB does in this league his team loses since they (defense) can't make up for the mistakes.

If Peyton or Brady makes a mistake, it can get covered by the rest of his team.

I agree that Schaub has some head scratchers, but his defense is so awful they can't hand him the ball back after he does make a mistake.
I would say that part of the reason that Schaub doesn't look elite is that he has no room for error. If he makes a mistake as every QB does in this league his team loses since they (defense) can't make up for the mistakes.

If Peyton or Brady makes a mistake, it can get covered by the rest of his team.

I agree that Schaub has some head scratchers, but his defense is so awful they can't hand him the ball back after he does make a mistake.

Rep for this one. Who else felt like once the Texans did not respond to the Vick TD that put the Eagles up by 3 that it was a done deal? Because we all knew, deep down we knew the Eagles would march right down the field and go up by 10.
Matt isn't perfect, but I just want to warn some of you...some teams (Bills...Raiders...) have been looking for a decent QB for a while now. Are you guys sure you want to go back to that?
God no.
I'm fine with Matt. He's better than at least half of the league and we can't completely forget the year he had last season.

Amen. He's certainly capable enough for us to win in this league, but like anyone else in this league he needs a supporting cast (defense) to do so.
It's not about him getting hit violently. It's about consistency. If his jersey said Manning/Brees/Brady, you bet your ****ing sweet ass they call it.

Are you seriously blaming Matt for the problems??? I dont have anything else to say!! I am done and going to bed. Not going to deal with ridiculous blame!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!
Rep for this one. Who else felt like once the Texans did not respond to the Vick TD that put the Eagles up by 3 that it was a done deal? Because we all knew, deep down we knew the Eagles would march right down the field and go up by 10.

Exactly. After his mistake (which was a fluke, not a bad decision), he only led the team back to a 24-20 LEAD. And someone wants to throw him under the bus?

Are you seriously blaming Matt for the problems??? I dont have anything else to say!! I am done and going to bed. Not going to deal with ridiculous blame!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!

No, I think what he's saying is that Schaub got screwed by the bad no call. Schaub got tomahawked in the helmet and Brady, etc would have gotten the call. If you're going to call it for Manning, you have to call it for Bruce Gradkowski, David Carr, and anyone else in the damn league who's a QB.
DIdnt Denver had a very bad D for like the last two years of the shanny era there

Its like the exact same thing is happening here
DIdnt Denver had a very bad D for like the last two years of the shanny era there

Its like the exact same thing is happening here

They did and Shanny wouldn't switch the D coordinator out so he got canned.
Denver's defense under Shanny was never really all that great after the Super Bowl seasons.
So when he skipped it to Kevin Walter who was 8 yards away? What happened there?

He saw a second defender coming up to jump the route, which wasn't apparent from the live camera angle, but was in replay. Throwing it high enough for Walter to catch was risking a pick six. Throwing it to Walter's feet was his way of throwing it away.
I'm not sure if I'm done with Schaub, but his inability to run a simple 5 yarder in open space is really pissing me off.

watch that play again ( I assume you're talking about the third down where he skipped it to Walter), there's a safety unblocked right at the 1st down line in front of him. There's no way he's picking that up unless he turns into Vick for a play. This team has many problems. Schaub does sometimes add to them, but he's right behind Andre and Arian at the bottom of the list of people we need to replace.
Never really thought of that until now but you are right. He is not clutch. When the shinola hits the fan he runs for cover.

Seriously? He's led us to two wins in the final minute this season. He's not perfect by any means. But what exactly is clutch if not that 4th and 10 conversion to Andre or that drive against KC?
I think this is just true. Schaub has limitations that can be schemed around but he's not going to carry anybody on his shoulders. He does a lot with not much in the way of tools. He doesn't have a strong arm. He isn't particularly accurate, and he's certainly not mobile. He isn't (consistently) clutch and makes bad decisions under pressure.

If you can protect him, provide him with a running game, and have a defense that can hold their own then Schaub won't kill you but if you can't do that or don't have those things (or won't use them from time to time for no particular reason other than that you're the smartest coach in the room) then he can be a liability at times.

We have a lousy defense so we're done from the get-go regardless of all of that. "Least of our problems" is a good description of Matt Schaub. If our biggest real problem was rectified then Schaub's maddening play would be a just a minor irritant.

You do know he threw for 4,700 yards last year with an average line and one of the worst rushing games in the NFL, right? Do you people even read what you write? I'm almost embarrassed to be in the same fan base as some of you people.
We gave up 30+ points again. We lost the game because we gave up a 3rd and 19. We couldn't stop a draw play to save our lives.
But it's Matt's fault. I don't even like the guy that much, but you're just so wrong that I can't help but defend him.
Stupid thread. Schaub's a great quarterback. When he has an open receiver, he puts it on the money.

Even Manning throws one pick a game. The OP is just being petulant.

Actually, Manning has thrown NINE picks in his last four games. They lost three of those four. Every time Manning faces a tough D, he struggles. (See San Diego, New England).

Rex Ryan figured out how to shut down Tom Brady in NYJ v. NE I. It'll be interesting to see if that works again in the rematch this Sunday.

My point?
All QBs can be stopped. It's just does your squad have the defensive personnel/scheme/coaching to get it done?

It took a perfect game by Cutler (one of his few) and the stud Bears defense (and their ability to pressure Vick with just their front four) to beat Vick & the Eagles. We don't have the Bears' defense (or even anything remotely close) and Schaub didn't pitch a perfect game.
You do know he threw for 4,700 yards last year with an average line and one of the worst rushing games in the NFL, right? Do you people even read what you write? I'm almost embarrassed to be in the same fan base as some of you people.
We gave up 30+ points again. We lost the game because we gave up a 3rd and 19. We couldn't stop a draw play to save our lives.
But it's Matt's fault. I don't even like the guy that much, but you're just so wrong that I can't help but defend him.

Just re-read that. That wasn't mostly addressed at you Hervoyel, although it definitely comes off that way. More aimed at the one you were quoting. One too many for me it seems.
:lol: @ this thread.

Some of you guys would SERIOUSLY consider trading Schaub for a backup/project like Kolb? The dude may not be an elite QB, maybe not even a Top 10 QB...but the guy is good enough to help you win games if your D was at least somewhat competent. I could understand wanting to draft a QB in this year's draft to groom behind Schaub, but to give up on Schaub completely is just ridiculous.
Too much nitpicking on an offense and QB that are under constant pressure due to a catastrophicially bad defense.

Too much haterade to consider the overall body of work done by Schaub.

Tonight? 330 yds and 2 TDs on the road. Every QB will make an unfortunate mistake. Schaub's only thrown 8 picks this year.

Schaub led two excellent time consuming drives in the 3rd to get the 24-20 lead!

And at some point, a stinging Eagles defense will come to play as well...that's why a good NFL team NEEDS balance, namely a defense that can at least make its share of stops...which the Texans defense cannot do enough of.

Was it Schaub's fault that the special teams allowed the Eagles to start on their 40? Was it Schaub who allowed a 30yd pass play on that drive to allow the Eagles to grab the 27-24 lead just a bit later?

The defense has to do better than that, better than 3rd-19 defense! There's a difference between 34-24 and 30-24 in the closing minutes of a game, you know.

Simple-minded, knee jerkers don't always see the dynamics of a game. I mean, really, we'll just go to Wal-Mart and grab a "mediocre" QB because Schaub sucks that bad to some people? Because he might miss a hot read here and there?

This is what panamamyers essentially suggests? Rid ourselves of Schaub in order to get a mediocre QB? Hey, we can still lobby for Vince Young, right? Kerry Collins might be there for the taking if not. Talk to Bud up there...let's see!

Schaub's got some issues but he's NOT THE issue.

He produced great clutch moments to go ahead against the Redskins, Chiefs and Jets...just barely missed on getting ahead of the Chargers...and this is after many porous moments by a defense that allows close to 30 points a game!

If the defense could have prevented Chargers' no-name receivers from Pro-Bowl performances.

If the defense could have stopped Sanchez with 50 seconds and no timeouts on the Jets' 25.

If the defense could have held the Eagles to a field goal on 3rd and 19, Schaub could have had an opportunity for another clutch drive!

And Schaub is supposed to be Superman? This season cannot be blamed on Schaub as such. We'd be hard-pressed to see P. Rivers do as much with a defense SO bad.
Excellent, excellent post. Schaub had a shitty game, underthrew/overthrew, made mistakes, whatever....but man, what ridiculousness.

"I'm done with Schaub", lmfao. What nonsense.
This threads hilarious.

So easy to pile on. Is what it is though...these people lost me after the win over KC.

If you have a problem with the state of the team/franchise, voice that ****, but the over the top ridiculous comments are the killers for me.
If the team can't see that Schaub is a loser by now then they deserve what they get. They can cut him loose now and get started with the rebuild or they can give him 4 more years and wallow in mediocrity for those four years then start the rebuild.

I cannot think of a single quarterback out there that I wouldn't rather have.

To have the talent he has around him and to still be 10th in the league in ppg.

The team wins in spite of him, not because of him.

"Loser?" This IS a loser post. Actually it's been Schaub that carried the Texans to about half the wins this year. Without him they lose to KC and DC. Hell, Schaub had the Jags ready for OT and Jets BEATEN...if not for...ah, well.
It's Frank Bush you should be done with. Shuab is doing a decent/ good job and has been. No QB completes 100%. However The D seem to have an inate ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory over and over and over.
So you are telling me you would take Derek Anderson or JaMarcus Russell over Schaub? OK then.....

Is Jamarcus Russell starting somewhere?
I don't think there's a nickel's worth of difference between Jason Campbell, Bruce Gradkowski and Matt Schaub though.
Schaub is WAY far down on the list of things to be concerned about for this team. There are much bigger fish to fry long before we get to Schaubby boy.
"Loser?" This IS a loser post. Actually it's been Schaub that carried the Texans to about half the wins this year. Without him they lose to KC and DC. Hell, Schaub had the Jags ready for OT and Jets BEATEN...if not for...ah, well.

Put the stats down.
Look at what Schaub does on the field. He lacks the heart and the stomach for it.

The sooner people quit looking around fo excuses and realize that Schaub just doesn't have it...the sooner we can get someone in that does.

Schaub would be great on that Trent Dilfer Ravens team. He would be great on that Brad Johnson Bucs team.

Matter of fact, that's exactly who he is....he's Brad Johnson.
If as a franchise you want to hitch your wagon to Brad Johnson, then you are going to have some lean years in front of you.
Here is Schaub's problem.

Every time he goes on the field he knows he needs to produce points or the team is going to lose.

If he makes a mistake the team loses. If they punt the team loses.

Due to this he is pushing way to hard, is tense and anxious and things just aren't coming naturally.

The worst defense in the history of football has turned our smart game managing QB into a desperado.
And at some point, a stinging Eagles defense will come to play as well...that's why a good NFL team NEEDS balance, namely a defense that can at least make its share of stops...which the Texans defense cannot do enough of.

You may want to just step out of the way on this whole Schaub argument.
You are taking the losing side of this argument, and you are not able to read into the situation enough to see it.

No one is asking for Schaub to be perfect. There is such a thing as winning time. that time came up there in the 4th quarter and what did Schaub have for us? A horribly underthrown choke job of a throw to Walter. It was not really surprising is the bad part. That's par for the course for him.

When I really knew we simply had a loser on our hands was last year's Cardinals game. He essentially gave them the game with that pick six.
He gave the Eagles the game with that pick before halftime. He gave the colts the game with a pick six earlier this year.
Schaub is not the problem. He HAS proven that he is not an elite QB that some people thought he would be this year.

The problem is on the other side of the ball. Not resigning Dunta, or getting a veteran CB has really hurt this team. Also our D scheme has been behind the curve all year.
Schaub is not the problem. He HAS proven that he is not an elite QB that some people thought he would be this year.

The problem is on the other side of the ball. Not resigning Dunta, or getting a veteran CB has really hurt this team. Also our D scheme has been behind the curve all year.

No matter what you say, not giving Dunta his cash was the right decision.

Not bring back Reeves at a reasonable cost or pursuing other experienced players however is a good point.
The whole Schaub situation reminds me of Jerrod Johnson at A&M.

Aggie fans LOVED Jerrod Johnson. They thought he was the second coming of John Elway over there. Everyone else in the country knew that he was horrible and that the Aggies were doing what they were doing in spite of him.

Some Aggie fans finally started to wise up and call for Tannehill to come in and take over. Other were vehemently opposed. Jerrod is not the problem they would say. Look at all those numbers he puts up. He throws for a lot of yards sometimes. Jerrod is way down the list of problems.

I wanted them to keep Jerrod in there, because I am a Longhorn fan. I knew that Jerrod did the little things that ensured that they lost more than they won. He would get a sack here, a fumble there...whatever it took to make sure they got an L.

They have a winner at qb now, and the whole entire attitude has changed on the team.

You can say what you like about us needing to fix our defense. I could find 15-20 qb's in the NFL right this second that would have us sitting at 7-5
No matter what you say, not giving Dunta his cash was the right decision.

Not bring back Reeves at a reasonable cost or pursuing other experienced players however is a good point.

Yeah not getting into the Dunta debate. Our 6 corners have 8 TOTAL years of NFL experience. And 4 is from Jason Allen who was signed 2 weeks ago. So we had a total of 4 years of NFL experience from our 5 cornerbacks to start the 2010 season. Recipe for success?
Too much nitpicking on an offense and QB that are under constant pressure due to a catastrophicially bad defense.

Too much haterade to consider the overall body of work done by Schaub.

Tonight? 330 yds and 2 TDs on the road. Every QB will make an unfortunate mistake. Schaub's only thrown 8 picks this year.

Schaub led two excellent time consuming drives in the 3rd to get the 24-20 lead!

And at some point, a stinging Eagles defense will come to play as well...that's why a good NFL team NEEDS balance, namely a defense that can at least make its share of stops...which the Texans defense cannot do enough of.

Was it Schaub's fault that the special teams allowed the Eagles to start on their 40? Was it Schaub who allowed a 30yd pass play on that drive to allow the Eagles to grab the 27-24 lead just a bit later?

The defense has to do better than that, better than 3rd-19 defense! There's a difference between 34-24 and 30-24 in the closing minutes of a game, you know.

Simple-minded, knee jerkers don't always see the dynamics of a game. I mean, really, we'll just go to Wal-Mart and grab a "mediocre" QB because Schaub sucks that bad to some people? Because he might miss a hot read here and there?

This is what panamamyers essentially suggests? Rid ourselves of Schaub in order to get a mediocre QB? Hey, we can still lobby for Vince Young, right? Kerry Collins might be there for the taking if not. Talk to Bud up there...let's see!

Schaub's got some issues but he's NOT THE issue.

He produced great clutch moments to go ahead against the Redskins, Chiefs and Jets...just barely missed on getting ahead of the Chargers...and this is after many porous moments by a defense that allows close to 30 points a game!

If the defense could have prevented Chargers' no-name receivers from Pro-Bowl performances.

If the defense could have stopped Sanchez with 50 seconds and no timeouts on the Jets' 25.

If the defense could have held the Eagles to a field goal on 3rd and 19, Schaub could have had an opportunity for another clutch drive!

And Schaub is supposed to be Superman? This season cannot be blamed on Schaub as such. We'd be hard-pressed to see P. Rivers do as much with a defense SO bad.

Couldn't have said it better myself! :bravo:
Put the stats down.
Look at what Schaub does on the field. He lacks the heart and the stomach for it.

The sooner people quit looking around fo excuses and realize that Schaub just doesn't have it...the sooner we can get someone in that does.

Schaub would be great on that Trent Dilfer Ravens team. He would be great on that Brad Johnson Bucs team.

Matter of fact, that's exactly who he is....he's Brad Johnson.
If as a franchise you want to hitch your wagon to Brad Johnson, then you are going to have some lean years in front of you.

This "take" is patently stupid. Brad Johnson/Trent Dilfer never carried the offense with their passing game. Trent Dilfer/Brad Johnson didn't have defenses that were so bad they magnified any offensive mistakes that were made. Trent Dilfer/Brad Johnson were never looked at as above average QB's ever, and would have never thrown for the passing title in the same year that Brady, Manning and whoever else were all playing and relatively healthy.

You say "throw out the stats" because they don't fit your explanation that is full of just cliches and hyperbole. Nobody here thinks Schaub is perfect, but when you a defense that is historically one of the worst passing defenses ever then you are pretty much hosed as a QB. The fact that Schaub has cut down on his turnovers this year while keeping us a threat through the air makes me wonder if you actually watch the games or if you're just trying to get more replies to your posts.

There is no way that anybody will agree with you that the problem with this team rests on Schaub and not any one of the myriad of dumpster fires and train wrecks that we call a defense.

Get Out.

EDIT: There are exactly 3, maybe 4 QB's who could maybe win with this awful ****ing defense. Actually no, I take that back, the only QB I can think of who is keeping a great record while the pass defense is god awful is Tom ****ing Brady. There are not 15 - 20 QB's playing in this league who could win by scoring 35+ points every single game. Get the **** out of here your opinions are worthless.
The whole Schaub situation reminds me of Jerrod Johnson at A&M.

Aggie fans LOVED Jerrod Johnson. They thought he was the second coming of John Elway over there. Everyone else in the country knew that he was horrible and that the Aggies were doing what they were doing in spite of him.

Some Aggie fans finally started to wise up and call for Tannehill to come in and take over. Other were vehemently opposed. Jerrod is not the problem they would say. Look at all those numbers he puts up. He throws for a lot of yards sometimes. Jerrod is way down the list of problems.

I wanted them to keep Jerrod in there, because I am a Longhorn fan. I knew that Jerrod did the little things that ensured that they lost more than they won. He would get a sack here, a fumble there...whatever it took to make sure they got an L.

They have a winner at qb now, and the whole entire attitude has changed on the team.

You can say what you like about us needing to fix our defense. I could find 15-20 qb's in the NFL right this second that would have us sitting at 7-5

Guy, keep your college ball comparisons at home. This is the NFL. There are no Jerrod Johnsons here.
This team has a long term deficit in terms of how many high round draft picks have been spent on the secondary. We should have Revis and one of the better, young FSs on this team and we don't. That's the problem. I can't tell you we'd be on our way to the SB, but we'd be a LOT closer to making that run. I know we got KJ in the first round, but that had to be done just to replace Robinson....and we already had a problem. I hope that KJ will get better with experience. I don't know, but we can't spend two-thirds of every draft on DTs and TEs. We need a secondary.

We will continue to have this kind of D until we get one...
This "take" is patently stupid. Brad Johnson/Trent Dilfer never carried the offense with their passing game. Trent Dilfer/Brad Johnson didn't have defenses that were so bad they magnified any offensive mistakes that were made. Trent Dilfer/Brad Johnson were never looked at as above average QB's ever, and would have never thrown for the passing title in the same year that Brady, Manning and whoever else were all playing and relatively healthy.

You say "throw out the stats" because they don't fit your explanation that is full of just cliches and hyperbole. Nobody here thinks Schaub is perfect, but when you a defense that is historically one of the worst passing defenses ever then you are pretty much hosed as a QB. The fact that Schaub has cut down on his turnovers this year while keeping us a threat through the air makes me wonder if you actually watch the games or if you're just trying to get more replies to your posts.

There is no way that anybody will agree with you that the problem with this team rests on Schaub and not any one of the myriad of dumpster fires and train wrecks that we call a defense.

Get Out.

Schaub is Brad Johnson. He's the type of guy you have fill in until a real qb gets to town.

No one is asking Schaub to be perfect. You have to be good enough to score more points than the other team. You don't see Vick crying because his defense let the Texans score twice and take a lead there in the 3rd quarter. He did what he had to do. He came back out and threw perfect passes. Schaub then came back out and choked a ball into the ground 3 feet in front of Walter on third down.

It reminded me of those catchers that have a mental block and have trouble throwing the ball back to the pitcher in baseball. I honestly felt bad for Schaub on that throw it was such a choke job.

Schaub does not have to be perfect. This offense is so good that he is in the enviable position that he just needs to make the easy throws.
He just chokes.
I'm not really upset about this loss; it's the one's to Dallas, Indy, and Jax that tick me off. None of those were excusable.
always underthrows balls down field, throws a pick to a DT on a screen (how does that happen), then skips a ball to a guy 8 yards away. goodbye kubes, schaub, rick smith, and frank bush.

I am completely amazed at how you guys completely give up on our best players.


Our pro bowl QB who has single handedly kept us in ball games due to ability to get into rythms and connect with his WR's. He led the league last year in passing and is 6th on the all time single season passing record. His previous years were "on pace" (before injury of course) to be on par with his season last year.

He has two knocks on him. He was injury prone, which he is now completely shedding that image once he finishes his second straight year without missing a game and the other knock is his lack of a rocket arm and mobility.

I do agree that he underthrows our WRs, I think more so this year than I have ever seen in the past but give me a break. I believe we have a top 10 QB in the league. We now have a running game which is why he is not posting the inflated numbers as he did last year.

I know I know, we couldnt run the ball so thats why he had 4770 yards last year. If he wasnt worth a crap, there is no way we would have went 9-7 last year and he would have not led the league in his respective categories.

It is assenine to single out our pro bowl franchise QB seeing as how we have so many other issues.

You are just looking for things to ***** at now. I know we have completely run the "defense sucks" thread into the ground but choosing to say things like this is ridiculous.

You're probably on the Mario sucks bandwagon too huh?

This board wears me out sometimes but damnit, I must get on at least five times a day to get my Texans fix.

Guy, keep your college ball comparisons at home. This is the NFL. There are no Jerrod Johnsons here.

It's called an analogy.

The situations are identical, yet on different levels.

You have a fanbase that thinks you have bigger problems. You have a quarterback that knows how to make those mistakes at the critical points of the game that will cause you to lose.

I am sure that Texans Talk had some David Carr supporters too at the time.
I just hope that it doesn't take that long to figure out that Schaub doesn't have the goods.
Schaub is Brad Johnson. He's the type of guy you have fill in until a real qb gets to town.

No one is asking Schaub to be perfect. You have to be good enough to score more points than the other team. You don't see Vick crying because his defense let the Texans score twice and take a lead there in the 3rd quarter. He did what he had to do. He came back out and threw perfect passes. Schaub then came back out and choked a ball into the ground 3 feet in front of Walter on third down.

It reminded me of those catchers that have a mental block and have trouble throwing the ball back to the pitcher in baseball. I honestly felt bad for Schaub on that throw it was such a choke job.

Schaub does not have to be perfect. This offense is so good that he is in the enviable position that he just needs to make the easy throws.
He just chokes.

When Brad Johnson was in Tampa there defense was always ranked in the top 10. Everyone knows you have to score more points than the opponent to win. But when you already know your defense is going to give up 30 points before the game starts you are already putting pressure on your offense before they take the field. No offense in the NFL should be expected to put up more than 30-35 points a game every game just to have a chance at winning. The pass to Walter, OMG. If he had put it between the 8 and 3 it would have been a pick 6 or at best Walter would have been 1-2 yards short of the 1st down. He skipped that ball to Walter on purpose to avoid the INT, just like you see other QB's throw balls at receiver's feet intentionally to avoid intentional grounding calls.
It's called an analogy.

The situations are identical, yet on different levels.

You have a fanbase that thinks you have bigger problems. You have a quarterback that knows how to make those mistakes at the critical points of the game that will cause you to lose.

I am sure that Texans Talk had some David Carr supporters too at the time.
I just hope that it doesn't take that long to figure out that Schaub doesn't have the goods.

How you managed to get 24 rep points amazes me.
and what kind of QB is that, Elite? I KNOW HE ISN'T and he NEVER will be with the mistakes he constantly makes. What the hell is so hard about understanding that logic? Schaub could EASILY be ranked up there with those QBs if he wasn't constantly killing drives with his stupid mistakes...


Constantly killing drives with his stupid mistakes while throwing for 18 touchdowns and 9 interceptions and 3000+ yards. This line of thinking is ridiculous and the fact that you want to replace him with himself (Sorry, Kolb's arm might be better in your head, but it has yet to proven consistently on the field since KEVIN KOLB CAN'T KEEP A STARTERS JOB). People talk about ball protection, Kolb certainly doesn't do that. You talk about "clutchness" and "being a winner" and Kolb is no more of a winner or is no more clutchy than Schaub is. If we are going to get rid of our QB it better be for an upgrade and not a ****ing lateral move.

Here's an idea from the same train of logic: Lets fire Frank Bush and hire Richard Smith as a DC. This can't go wrong can it?
The whole Schaub situation reminds me of Jerrod Johnson at A&M.

Aggie fans LOVED Jerrod Johnson. They thought he was the second coming of John Elway over there. Everyone else in the country knew that he was horrible and that the Aggies were doing what they were doing in spite of him.

Some Aggie fans finally started to wise up and call for Tannehill to come in and take over. Other were vehemently opposed. Jerrod is not the problem they would say. Look at all those numbers he puts up. He throws for a lot of yards sometimes. Jerrod is way down the list of problems.

I wanted them to keep Jerrod in there, because I am a Longhorn fan. I knew that Jerrod did the little things that ensured that they lost more than they won. He would get a sack here, a fumble there...whatever it took to make sure they got an L.

They have a winner at qb now, and the whole entire attitude has changed on the team.

You can say what you like about us needing to fix our defense. I could find 15-20 qb's in the NFL right this second that would have us sitting at 7-5

dude, just stop. you are posting foolishness and embarrassing yourself with such nonsense. :kubepalm:
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