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Luv Ya' Blue!


Hall of Fame
Some images and an excerpt I found about these photos:



Now, for a bit of trivia. Those pom-poms were first handed out during the Miami Dolphins game that took place on Monday Night Football. Actually, that is the first and only time they were handed out for free. After that game you had purchase them. I think they were a couple of bucks, or something like that. Houston won that game 35-30.

However, I think the pictures above were taken during one of those pep rallys they had after Houston lost to Pittsburgh. Look at the first picture, the seats are empty, so it had to be during the pep rally. However I remember sitting elsewhere during the pep rallys (rallies, whatever). I do have more, let me look them up.


^^The better uniforms.
The 1st pep rally was so cool. I was only 16 and my parents let me go with some friends (wow).

I don't know if the rally would have been better if we had been celebrating a win over the Steelers instead of a loss. A great team that really captured the personality of the city at that time.

Thanks for posting the pics!
Man that's awesome.

I posted on the General's blog asking if Bud still owns the rights to the old Oilers logo. Mauck was saying how those old Oiler teams feel like a team without a city because Tenn. fans don't care about them and Houston has the Texans. I would LOVE to see the Texans try to get the rights to the Oiler logo and use those uniforms as their retro one. I know, I know it will never happen, but when Mauck said that, the General said that he would see what they could do about it. I don't know any other way that would embrace them more.

Ok I'm awake now....I'll stop dreaming.........nah that's no fun.

Houston Oilers...Houston Texans....Houston Toilers #1 :texflag:

Some folks said Houstonians did not get excited about football. The Luv Ya Blue years were fun yet stressful to live through. This town will explode when the Texans come into their own in the not too distant future.
Sake - I seem to recall Bud retained rights to the name, colors, and history when he took his ball and (went to someone else's) home.
Bud owns everything associated with the Houston Oilers, including franchise records. He had no desire to give Houston football fans anything, which is why I hope his fat ass chokes on a chicken bone.

We have our memories, though. They can't take those away.
I was an Oiler since about the time I turned 10, back in 1976. I saw Earl run over people at the Dome. I earned a "Bruize Brothers" towl during the House of Pain era for being a loud and rabid fan. I went to the Steelers game that last season before the move. My buddies and I were envolved in fight with some Steeler fans. I harass Titans fans at ever chance I get when they call us old Houston Oilers fans bad fans "for letting the team go".

However, that team is dead. The Oilers no longer exist. I do not want to have their colors or logos reborn. The Texans are the Texans and have no ties to the Oilers other than having played in the same city. We have no right as Texan fans to Ernist Givens, Drew Hill, Warren Moon, Billy "White Shoes" Johnson, Bruce Mathews or ANY other Oiler player. We as former fans of the team can still have our memories of the bygone days, but today is not yesturday. We can still remember knocking on that door, but sadly that door will never be kicked in. We have a new team. A team that has made mistakes. A team that is still walking toward the door. We will make it to that door. We will knock on that door. WE WILL KNOCK THE ............DOOR IN.:texflag:
Great post, Overalls, and my sentiments, as well. I'll always cherish my Oiler memories, but that's all they are to me now. I don't live in the past, but instead look forward to the future as a Texans fan.

That last Steelers game was great, because we were outnumbered 2 to 1 (at least). That place was alive with terrible towels...until the Oilers came from behind to take the lead. I read that three home games in a row had over 50,000 fans at each game, and that was for an already known lame-duck team. Houston has always supported it's pro NFL teams, and anyone slamming us for that are just stupid.
I agree DB... Folks who say that Houston fans did not support our team are full of it.. I was there for every home game that last season (and it is true that some of those games were empty - but, again for a lame-duck team).. That stretch of 3 games in a row that had 50,000+ fans was awesome... I think the Oilers wound up 8-8 that final year... I remained loyal to the Oilers - right up until those trucks were packed and headed East on I-10...
For a Texans fan board you sure do show allot of admiration for the Titans/Oilers organization. We appreciate it. In a way, allot of you are like the lost children to the Titans.

I agree DB... Folks who say that Houston fans did not support our team are full of it..

Don't forget the rallies after losses that the Houston fans were famous for. I don't see other cities fans doing that. You know your fans are loyal when they show up in force after a big loss. I'm sick of Houston fans being called fickle etc. Hell even our own sports radio shows slam us.

I know the Texans are the here and now, but it's hard not to dream a little. The Oilers were around for most of my "remember when you were a kid" years and that's just hard to let go. Doesn't make you any less of a Texans fan because some day the players on the team now will be the "remember when AJ would go up and just steal the ball from the DB"; "remember when "the Force" would average 1.5 QB helmets knocked off a game" ah those were some good times..........Oh wait they're still to come!!! Bring on next season!!
Don't forget the rallies after losses that the Houston fans were famous for. I don't see other cities fans doing that. You know your fans are loyal when they show up in force after a big loss. I'm sick of Houston fans being called fickle etc. Hell even our own sports radio shows slam us.

I know the Texans are the here and now, but it's hard not to dream a little. The Oilers were around for most of my "remember when you were a kid" years and that's just hard to let go. Doesn't make you any less of a Texans fan because some day the players on the team now will be the "remember when AJ would go up and just steal the ball from the DB"; "remember when "the Force" would average 1.5 QB helmets knocked off a game" ah those were some good times..........Oh wait they're still to come!!! Bring on next season!!

Good post Twitch... I think you pretty much summed it up there.

As far as radio hosts.... Let's see: Rich Lord from New York, Marc Vandemeer from the Northeast. Most of those guys weren't even here for the rallies.... The question is, who is a local guy? Lance, Bob Allen, who else??
I still have a House of Pain shirt in my drawer. I can't remember where I got it, but I'm not convinced it was an "officially" licensed shirt. Probably got it from the guy on the corner.....ha ha

That would be really cool if you could have had guys like Al Smith sign that shirt... How about Special Teams deamon and b/u LB Eugene Seale?
For a Texans fan board you sure do show allot of admiration for the Titans/Oilers organization. We appreciate it. In a way, allot of you are like the lost children to the Titans.

Your misconception is believing that any admiration of the memories of the Oilers has anything to do with Tennessee. We were rooting on OUR team in those days while Tennesseeians were still marrying their brothers, sisters, and cousins. Those memories happened here and ya'll just adopted them like some poor child in a bad divorce. You can rant and rave about Earls records being yours, the history of Moon and all of that.... BUT it's just words because you didn't live or feel all the emotions at the time. Hell you probably don't even know about the 2 AFL championships that the HOUSTON Oilers had. And to our satisfaction the real OILERS!!!! Campbell, Bum, Mauck wouldn't have anything to do with your lil football tribute that Bud "Azz" Adams orchestrated.
You ever heard the saying getting treated like a red headed step-child? Learn it and learn it well, because that will be the feeling down deep in the pit of your stomach after the games with us. And I will love every minute of it.
This thread made me think of the Carl Mauck interview with John McClain on 610.

He talked about how different times were back then and the blue-collar attitude that the Oilers had back then. Most of them worked regular jobs during the offseason. The players were really impressed with the rally. They were proud of how much the city supported them.

He said that the old Oilers feel like orphans nowadays. They have no association with Nashville and they don't really get recognized by the Texans organization. He said that "it's sad."
That would be really cool if you could have had guys like Al Smith sign that shirt... How about Special Teams deamon and b/u LB Eugene Seale?
Don't forget Don Hardemann. That man was a brick wall.
Your misconception is believing that any admiration of the memories of the Oilers has anything to do with Tennessee. We were rooting on OUR team in those days while Tennesseeians were still marrying their brothers, sisters, and cousins. Those memories happened here and ya'll just adopted them like some poor child in a bad divorce.You can rant and rave about Earls records being yours, the history of Moon and all of that.... BUT it's just words because you didn't live or feel all the emotions at the time. Hell you probably don't even know about the 2 AFL championships that the HOUSTON Oilers had. And to our satisfaction the real OILERS!!!! Campbell, Bum, Mauck wouldn't have anything to do with your lil football tribute that Bud "Azz" Adams orchestrated.
You ever heard the saying getting treated like a red headed step-child? Learn it and learn it well, because that will be the feeling down deep in the pit of your stomach after the games with us. And I will love every minute of it.

Amen to that.
This thread made me think of the Carl Mauck interview with John McClain on 610.

He talked about how different times were back then and the blue-collar attitude that the Oilers had back then. Most of them worked regular jobs during the offseason. The players were really impressed with the rally. They were proud of how much the city supported them.

He said that the old Oilers feel like orphans nowadays. They have no association with Nashville and they don't really get recognized by the Texans organization. He said that "it's sad."

That's not completely true. The Texans have a "homecoming" game once a year where old Houston football players are signing autographs before the game and are honored at halftime.

There's not a whole lot the Texans can do when Bud controls the images and history of the team. Personally, I wish the Texans would retire the no. 34 as an homage to Earl and all the Oiler greats. It would be a nice symbolic gesture for the fans, too.
This thread made me think of the Carl Mauck interview with John McClain on 610.

He talked about how different times were back then and the blue-collar attitude that the Oilers had back then. Most of them worked regular jobs during the offseason. The players were really impressed with the rally. They were proud of how much the city supported them.

He said that the old Oilers feel like orphans nowadays. They have no association with Nashville and they don't really get recognized by the Texans organization. He said that "it's sad."
Maybe someone can write McNair and have a Tribute to Old Houston pro football greats at a game this year, don't think that would violate adams rights to that team as long as we didn't use the name Oilers. What do ya think? Maybe TC could do it she seems to have some clout.
Maybe someone can write McNair and have a Tribute to Old Houston pro football greats at a game this year, don't think that would violate adams rights to that team as long as we didn't use the name Oilers. What do ya think? Maybe TC could do it she seems to have some clout.

They didn't do that this past season, did they? I remember they did it in '05.
They didn't do that this past season, did they? I remember they did it in '05.
I know they had players from those days to sign autographs in the Budweiser Plaza, but we need to have them introduced during halftime with clips of them on the Jumbotron. During Battle Red day against those Tacks. That would be awesome. Gives me goosebumps thinking about it.
Your misconception is believing that any admiration of the memories of the Oilers has anything to do with Tennessee. We were rooting on OUR team in those days while Tennesseeians were still marrying their brothers, sisters, and cousins. Those memories happened here and ya'll just adopted them like some poor child in a bad divorce. You can rant and rave about Earls records being yours, the history of Moon and all of that.... BUT it's just words because you didn't live or feel all the emotions at the time. Hell you probably don't even know about the 2 AFL championships that the HOUSTON Oilers had. And to our satisfaction the real OILERS!!!! Campbell, Bum, Mauck wouldn't have anything to do with your lil football tribute that Bud "Azz" Adams orchestrated.
You ever heard the saying getting treated like a red headed step-child? Learn it and learn it well, because that will be the feeling down deep in the pit of your stomach after the games with us. And I will love every minute of it.

Please, you want to get off your soap box for a sec so I can speak my peice?

Surprisingly not all fans of the Titans just became fans as the Titans moved. Some, like myself, enjoyed watching Moon and the Oilers. I remember the run and shoot days and the debacle vs Buffalo.

Being from CA I have no tie to the location of the team. If the fans don't want to goto the games or build a new stadium and they lose there team who's fault is that? When ticket prices go up do you still pay or do you protest? If you will pay the increase what was wrong with the increase just being a tax? I know I know blah blah blah about the retro to the Astro Dome, but why spend a ton of money on Reliant just a few years later that ended up costing more then Adams proposal? I know "y'all" were hurt by the decision but in hind site wouldn't it have been better to keep your team in town and save money in the process instead of starting over with another team? To keep the history, the colors, the team ..... almost seems like a cut off your nose to spite your face things but that is just my opinion on the matter.
Please, you want to get off your soap box for a sec so I can speak my peice?

Surprisingly not all fans of the Titans just became fans as the Titans moved. Some, like myself, enjoyed watching Moon and the Oilers. I remember the run and shoot days and the debacle vs Buffalo.

Being from CA I have no tie to the location of the team. If the fans don't want to goto the games or build a new stadium and they lose there team who's fault is that? When ticket prices go up do you still pay or do you protest? If you will pay the increase what was wrong with the increase just being a tax? I know I know blah blah blah about the retro to the Astro Dome, but why spend a ton of money on Reliant just a few years later that ended up costing more then Adams proposal? I know "y'all" were hurt by the decision but in hind site wouldn't it have been better to keep your team in town and save money in the process instead of starting over with another team? To keep the history, the colors, the team ..... almost seems like a cut off your nose to spite your face things but that is just my opinion on the matter.
A lil history for ya. First of all keep the colors they were gay then and still are as you wear them. The reason the Oilers left was not because of lack of fan support it was a personal conflict between Adams and the Mayor of Houston at the time. so before you try to attack US FANS maybe you ought to learn all your facts. That way you don't look so foolish. And to answer your question, yea we wanted to keep the Oilers. Just not Bud Adams.
Being from CA I have no tie to the location of the team. If the fans don't want to goto the games or build a new stadium and they lose there team who's fault is that? When ticket prices go up do you still pay or do you protest? If you will pay the increase what was wrong with the increase just being a tax? I know I know blah blah blah about the retro to the Astro Dome, but why spend a ton of money on Reliant just a few years later that ended up costing more then Adams proposal? I know "y'all" were hurt by the decision but in hind site wouldn't it have been better to keep your team in town and save money in the process instead of starting over with another team? To keep the history, the colors, the team ..... almost seems like a cut off your nose to spite your face things but that is just my opinion on the matter.

Here's my own take on the history. This post is from September and I was feeling pretty homerish at the time because it was so early in the season. The question was "Were the Oilers fans this negative?"

They were more negative, but that's changing lately. Texans fans will catch up soon.

While some of still may have a place for them in our hearts, they were a dysfuntional franchise. I found this out when Bum Phillips got fired. Earl Campbell got traded over a pitcher of beer. Everything was Pastorini's fault, so he got traded for a hungover QB on the decline. The yankee GM mooned a wedding party...and you guys think Casserly was awful.

Bud threatened to move the team to Jacksonville.

Bud got Glanville on the cheap, and then found out by accident that he was a good quick-fix artist. Still Glanville's behavior was typical of a dysfunctional franchise.

The Run-N-Shoot was a dysfunctional offense. It was inflexible. It couldn't make adjustments. Good defensive coordinators often knew what play was coming. Ask Bill Cowher. They never had a TE or fullback to pick up a CB blitz. IIRC, Rod Woodson got 6 sacks on Moon in one game. Moon was an awesome QB, but was oblivious to backside pressure.

The cameras liked to show Jim Eddy jumping around and screaming...then his defense made history in Buffalo. If you watch NFL Films, this is the only reference they ever even make to the Oilers. In hindsight, I think this spelled their end in Houston.

Bud threatened to move the team to Conroe and become the "Texas Oilers." I don't think that Conroe really wanted them. Nashville did.

They went to a Super Bowl because the NFL made Bud hire a guy that actually knew something about football. He got credit that Bud now he's gone. He's got his "yes man" in Floyd Reese.

Judging from stories about Steve McNair's exit and Billy Volek's exit, these guys are still a mess. And there's no doubt who's running things.

Bud Adams defies conventional wisdom. He's always got a better way.

Now we've got a team with a better owner, a better front office, and better coaches.

And better uniforms.


I think that I was wrong about Floyd Reese being a "yes-man" in hindsight. But that's about it.
A lil history for ya. First of all keep the colors they were gay then and still are as you wear them. The reason the Oilers left was not because of lack of fan support it was a personal conflict between Adams and the Mayor of Houston at the time. so before you try to attack US FANS maybe you ought to learn all your facts. That way you don't look so foolish. And to answer your question, yea we wanted to keep the Oilers. Just not Bud Adams.

The astro dome was empty the last season. Yes it was after the fans had been told of the move but if you loved the team and its players you still show support to the bitter end even if they are going to move. Make your protest at the games by not hitting up the concession stands but remember the real reason you went to those games was to watch the team you love not route for the city or its owner.

Before you go spouting off again with a post that hold no facts at all and just is meant to push out your chest maybe you should look at the real fact. This "conflict" you call it came about because Adams wanted a new stadium and out of the Astro Dome. Mayor McCheese would not even let it be put to a vote and said the city would not spend the money on the stadium. McCheese was but hurt because the fans/city were still paying for upgrade that were made to the dome a few years prior. Adams looked else where and was offered a new stadium and a bunch of hungry fans.

When it is all said and done if the mayor had put the proposal to the people and it passed the tax would have been less then the current tax funding Reliant. Actually understanding your side of the argument helps allot here and marking someone as "looking foolish" just because you did not understand what there were talking about does not make you look so bright.

Raider fans want the Raiders but not Al Davis, but since he is forking out the money and is the owner what are you going to do. Either you like the team or you don't the owner can make mistakes but it is still your team.
The astro dome was empty the last season. Yes it was after the fans had been told of the move but if you loved the team and its players you still show support to the bitter end even if they are going to move. Make your protest at the games by not hitting up the concession stands but remember the real reason you went to those games was to watch the team you love not route for the city or its owner.

Before you go spouting off again with a post that hold no facts at all and just is meant to push out your chest maybe you should look at the real fact. This "conflict" you call it came about because Adams wanted a new stadium and out of the Astro Dome. Mayor McCheese would not even let it be put to a vote and said the city would not spend the money on the stadium. McCheese was but hurt because the fans/city were still paying for upgrade that were made to the dome a few years prior. Adams looked else where and was offered a new stadium and a bunch of hungry fans.

When it is all said and done if the mayor had put the proposal to the people and it passed the tax would have been less then the current tax funding Reliant. Actually understanding your side of the argument helps allot here and marking someone as "looking foolish" just because you did not understand what there were talking about does not make you look so bright.

Raider fans want the Raiders but not Al Davis, but since he is forking out the money and is the owner what are you going to do. Either you like the team or you don't the owner can make mistakes but it is still your team.

I do know the facts, the facts are the feud was long started before the stadium debate. I don't need some Cali dude to try to tell me something I lived though. And as far as going to the games I was not about to line that horses Azz pockets with any of my hard earned money knowing this team was gone. Do some more research and then come back to me and try to dispute my FACTS!!!! And make it worth my while and try to have some of your own.
Mr. White, while I respect your opinion but your point about McNair and Volek and not accurate. McNair and his agent knew going into the season there was no way he was going to be on the team unless he drastically renegotiated his contract. McNair did not want to lose the money and knew he was destine to be a backup with the emanate drafting of a rookie QB (Young in this case). So McNairs options were to play a year as a starter mentoring Young with a team in a building phase and take a pay cut or make one last push on another team in hopes to get a ring and keep the money. McNair chose the money. I do not blame him; I don’t think anyone at the Titans organization blames him. Reese was one of the main reasons we could not keep McNair; he negotiated the contract that pushed the Titans into cap hell and ultimately cost use both Dysons, Rolle, DMase, and others. It is nice when you hate someone as much as Adams to blame him for things like this but he was only signing the check not making the contracts. In the end if the Titans had kept McNair we would have had to cut several players or not sign Young. So we keep an aging injury prone QB or we look to the future. I loved McNair as a Titan but I understand why he could not stay.

Volek is a moron. He threw his team under the bus and had a tantrum missing meeting and lying about where he was. He also got in a verbal argument with Chow that Fisher walked in on. Volek though he would get a chance to start and the coaches though Young would be ready to start before the end of the season. Then Volek got traded away and he bitches and moans to the press. Funny how Fisher blasted him after words and Volek was no place to be found. Where is he now BTW? The Burger King in San Diego has been looking for him for a while. Fries do not cook themselves. We have enough locker room BS without some hack want to be running his mouth ever chance he gets.
it's just words because you didn't live or feel all the emotions at the time. Hell you probably don't even know about the 2 AFL championships that the HOUSTON Oilers had.

Quite a few of us 'TENNheads':listening were Oilers fans. The only reason the Texans haven't left Houston yet is no city is dumb enough to take them.

You ever heard the saying getting treated like a red headed step-child? Learn it and learn it well, because that will be the feeling down deep in the pit of your stomach after the games with us. And I will love every minute of it.

Good luck with that,let's take a look at your O line for this year:bat:
This article is a must read by those who think Dud is some angle all of this.

It is writen from the point of view of a business man, not a fan. It is writen without ties to Houston OR Trashville.

I witnessed the UH Cougars joining the old SWC in 1976, and then going at it with Earl Campbell, and then pullled for him with the Oilers.

NO to Bud, despite the good things he brought to the city early on.
I do know the facts, the facts are the feud was long started before the stadium debate. I don't need some Cali dude to try to tell me something I lived though. And as far as going to the games I was not about to line that horses Azz pockets with any of my hard earned money knowing this team was gone. Do some more research and then come back to me and try to dispute my FACTS!!!! And make it worth my while and try to have some of your own.

I do not want to regurgitate this great post by Childress but it shows a trend with fan loyalty. It was not just a Bud said they are going so now we are not going to go it is actually poor attendance that drove him away. How does a team make the playoffs 7 consecutive seasons and only have a 22 ranking among fan loyalty? But I guess the sited professor is not "fact" enough for you. I like you also provide nothing to support you argument other then "you lived there" and me living in "CA" makes me uninformed. Surprisingly if you follow a team even back in the 90s you could get information about them. No pony express or carrier pigeon required. Just pick up a newspapers...

I do not want to regurgitate this great post by Childress but it shows a trend with fan loyalty. It was not just a Bud said they are going so now we are not going to go it is actually poor attendance that drove him away. How does a team make the playoffs 7 consecutive seasons and only have a 22 ranking among fan loyalty? But I guess the sited professor is not "fact" enough for you. I like you also provide nothing to support you argument other then "you lived there" and me living in "CA" makes me uninformed. Surprisingly if you follow a team even back in the 90s you could get information about them. No pony express or carrier pigeon required. Just pick up a newspapers...
we can always come back to this because it takes longer.

let's just see what's in the now.

Texans 1st, Titans last in the AFC South
You have got to be smarter than that. Any one who lived here knows what happend. 90-97. One of those years the team wasn't even in Houston. For 1 and a half it was after Dud traitered out the team. Not to mention the greatest choke job in history and the fact that the fans were still realing after Dud threatened move to Jacksonville. Sorry the TENNheads can say what they want to make themselves feel better, but Dud just went there for the money, like any prostitute and he will leave for the same reason. He won't even live there because he knows it is just some backwoods hick city full of inbreads.
but Dud just went there for the money, like any prostitute and he will leave for the same reason. He won't even live there because he knows it is just some backwoods hick city full of inbreads.
backwoods hick city full of inbreads.
so what? you just described Indianapolis.

and you spelled inbreds wrong. I'm just kidding. I mean, you really spelled it wrong I just think the irony that lies in me pointing out, being an inbred and all is kinda funny... you know, in a self deprecating kind of way that is void of any actual arrogance.

Prostitute? That's Bud Adams eh? Well Bud doesn't do anal. That's what Houstonians wanted. Bud knew he could blow Nashville for good money and find a good place to turn tricks. How about that? Feel free to respond within the confines of the metaphor.:pirate: