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Moulds Trade Official

if you think he would have signed here if he were released then yes we slightly overpaid.

from all the reports he would not have come here as a free agent, Philidelphia and New England were waiting in the wings to scoop him up.

Frankly i like it, one less pick to spend money on a player with zero experience, money we could use on a Wali Ranier type.
aj. said:
Compare what we just gave Moulds to what the Seahawks and Titans gave Burleson and Givens, then get back to me at the end of the '07 season and we'll talk.

I am not talking about the contract.

It is draft pick and they were going to cut him anyway.

I need to do some research, because I think the succesfull teams have a good track record drafting the later rounds (5-7). It other words, it isn't pot luck for the good teams.

I think it is a good deal besides the premium because of the situation we are in. However, Gaffney, if I remember correctly was a second round pick in 2004 and we got zero compensation when he went to the Eagles. Why is that? Cincinnati got compensation for Walter's he was a 7th rounder.

I think this shows we need to do better in drafting or coaching, or both.

I know we changed coaches and I the other stuff.

Besides, you guys are not getting my point.

It is just another perspective and I don't want to see us in this position again, because that means are team sucks.

I will leave it alone.
:sleep: I must be dreaming, because things don't happen like this in Houston. After last season I was really down, but I still loved the Texans, I stayed with them through it all as I'm sure alot of you did. Now they are showing us they want to win and bring :respect: back to H-Town.
I would like to thank Bob McNair for this team and for doing an excellent job.:redtowel: :fans:
hollywood_texan said:
No, not necessarily, but it just gives them options. It is worth to keep the player within their current talent pool or take compensation in more draft picks.

This is how compensation picks work this year for Restricted Free Agents:

Orginal draft round position - around $700K
First-round tenders - around $1.5 million
1st and 3rd tenders- around $2.0 million

Kevin Walter was a 7th round pick. That's why the Bengals got a 7th rounder.

The Texans currently have Peek at a 1st round tender for about $1.5M. If a team took Peek, we would get their 1st rounder. Wand and Ragone are in the "Original Draft Position" tender at 700K. They were both 3rd rounders, so that is what we would get if another team signed them. We would have a week to match or the other team would get the player and we would get the pick.

To get on "the other end of the equation" a team would have to sign one of our RFAs. Gaffney was a RFA last year, but no teams wanted to pay the price to sign him.

Here is the other way to get compensatory picks:

You basically have to lose more quality free agents than you sign. NOT a good way to acquire picks IMO.
jacquescas said:
if you think he would have signed here if he were released then yes we slightly overpaid.

from all the reports he would not have come here as a free agent, Philidelphia and New England were waiting in the wings to scoop him up.

Frankly i like it, one less pick to spend money on a player with zero experience, money we could use on a Wali Ranier type.

If you are correct that Philadelphia or New England would have gotten him, why did he redo his contract with us?

He could have done nothing or made higher expectations that we couldn't have deliverd on and forced Buffalo to cut him.

Then as a free agent, he could have done whatever he wanted.

Moulds was really in the driver seat because Buffalo wasn't going to keep his contract.

It looks like to me he wants to be in Houston. It was his choice if he wanted to try free agency but he picked us instead.
hollywood_texan said:
If you are correct that Philadelphia or New England would have gotten him, why did he redo his contract with us?

He could have done nothing or made higher expectations that we couldn't have deliverd on and forced Buffalo to cut him.

Then as a free agent, he could have done whatever he wanted.

Moulds was really in the driver seat because Buffalo wasn't going to keep his contract.

It looks like to me he wants to be in Houston. It was his choice if he wanted to try free agency but he picked us instead.

Philly and NE are not known for lucrative contracts. Both of these teams are really on a downward tilt. Pretty hard for us to go any lower, but we really have the look of an up and coming team. Closer to home and his family so I would think Houston all in all looked like a better deal.
Señor Stan said:
This is how compensation picks work this year for Restricted Free Agents:

Orginal draft round position - around $700K
First-round tenders - around $1.5 million
1st and 3rd tenders- around $2.0 million

Kevin Walter was a 7th round pick. That's why the Bengals got a 7th rounder.

The Texans currently have Peek at a 1st round tender for about $1.5M. If a team took Peek, we would get their 1st rounder. Wand and Ragone are in the "Original Draft Position" tender at 700K. They were both 3rd rounders, so that is what we would get if another team signed them. We would have a week to match or the other team would get the player and we would get the pick.

To get on "the other end of the equation" a team would have to sign one of our RFAs. Gaffney was a RFA last year, but no teams wanted to pay the price to sign him.

Here is the other way to get compensatory picks:

You basically have to lose more quality free agents than you sign. NOT a good way to acquire picks IMO.

I don't understand your last point. I thought it was a player by player situation like you described above. Your last point leads me to believe you take into account all free agent signings and that you lose as a whole.

I understand the general principle idea and what you described..

Trying to show a different perspective but it is not getting through.

My point is really more of an analysis of where the organization is right now and what we need to do so we are not in it in the future.

Which means, make our later round picks worth something. Either the player becomes a starter or contributor, or we get compensation through a compensatory pick. I know we can't do it on every player but let's have the highest success percentage in the league.

I don't like the idea of just saying, oh it is 5th round selection and kiss it good bye.

Hopefully you understand the perspective I am trying to put on this besides this is greatest thing and Carr is going to through for 5,000 yards, Reggie Bush is going to break ankles on screens, and so and so on.

Now, that is really it. If you don't get it now, either I am not explaining right or something else.

Either way, it really doesn't matter because I don't make any decisions except for pay for my season tickets.

Go Texans.

Looking forward to the 2006 season.
hollywood_texan said:
Yes, we overpaid, but I am not too worried about.

Buffalo was going to cut him. We paid the premium due to the 5th round pick. My point is we paid premium, that is it. I think it will pay for it's self.

I simply must vehemently disagree with you. This is the type of signing a mature organization makes. The right player at the right price out of the goodness of that player's choice. He wanted to be here, you can't put a price tag on that. Hopefully this is the beginning of a waterfall for us in our acquisitions of quality talent.

It is a good day to be a Texan. :texflag:
To even imply that the Texans overpaid for Moulds in terms of draft picks is just insane.
Perfectly said.

You guys who are complaining are nuts. A fifth round pick for Emo is chump change. WE would have given that up for him and the contract you got him for. You are lucky he wanted to get out of Buffalo becuase there is no question we would have paid that for him.
hollywood_texan said:
I think you are missing my point.

We overpaid because of either previously poor drafting or coaching. We let two of our receivers go in free agency with zero compensation.

Buffalo on the other hand gets a freebe. Now that makes it we have given up our 5th and 7th round picks for because of WR vacancy left from free agency.

We need to be on the other side of the deal.

Cincinnati can draft well in the 7th round and now they have an extra pick this year in the 7th.

Do you see my point?

I like the deal but we paid a premium. Let's understand why and not do it again!

If we start making a habit of this, it's going to point to a bigger problem and it isn't going to matter who is on the roster.

ah..not really, because correct me if I'm wrong but weren't both those receivers you were talking about free agents. Gaffney was a RFA and he doesn't have anything to do with this deal. Thats like saying when we draft a CB in this years draft you think we overpaid, because Pburnt didn't work out. The Moulds deal in judged only on the MOULDS DEAL, not what the previous choaching staff did, or previous acquisitions.

As far as overpaying for Eric Moulds, because we dealt a 5th that ludicrous. Theres a reason why Eagle fans are throwing a fit and theres a reason why Bill fans are pissed off.

Look at some of the opinions of our own divisional rivals

Everbody thinks this was a very good deal and when you take into account that the Bills were pushing for a 4th round draft pick and we pulled the deal off just giving up a 5th, this is a steal.

If you think we're going to be able to pick up a player in the 5th round thats going to make a bigger difference than a player who racks up 80 catches and about a 1000 yards a year, your crazy.

This is one of the best deals so far in the entire offseason, league wide.
The only reason they havent is that the contracts have not been signed to make it official chances are that will happen here in a day or two after going to the USC draftapalooza this weekend they have had their hands full with draft analysis... If everyone is reporting this then its done.
hollywood_texan said:
Which means, make our later round picks worth something. Either the player becomes a starter or contributor.

I don't think you get the point, We did make our later round picks worth something.

With the 5th and 7th pick we totally revamped our entire WR core and as far as making later picks starters and contributor, both those picks that we used to acquire players, will be starters and contributors
the way of thinking about this is....would we have got an eric moulds or anyone for that matter who can come in and contribute as at least a number 2 WR in the 5th round of the draft....the answer....plain and simple is no.

we didn't overpay, we just payed....a very low low price. think of it as payment for going into the draft knowing who we need to get and not having to battle other teams in desperate need of any WR.
hollywood_texan said:
I think that is our problem. The 5th round and after are crucial. The most successful teams find contributing players in the later rounds.

Walters from Cincinnati was a 7th round pick and we signed him just recently. If Cincinnati didn't have the glut of WRs, they would have kept him. But, they get an extra 7th round pick due to the compensatory rules and have twice the pot luck you just described this year in the 7th round.

A team that continues to do that year in and year out, is going to accumulate a lot of extra picks if they just tender their players and they get signed somewhere else.

Hopefully people see my point on how valuable this pick is, even though it is the 5th round pick.

The poor to medicore teams have pot luck in the 5th and after.

Do you honestly think that we could possibly even come close to picking up a player with Moulds talent and experience in the 5th rd. I DON'T THINK SO!!! This is one of the better picks from FA that we have had. His exp. alone is going to pay off with AJ and the other recievers. Can you say mentor!! You get more than just a proven player dude. We don't need pot luck, we need quality players now and he sure is worth the pick. 5th rd. pick is not as valuable as you think. I can see someone getting lucky every now and then, but yr in and yr out!! I DON'T THINK SO!!! All we need is Bush and you can offically call us "The Greatest Show In Texas" Can't wait for the season to begin!!! Go Texans!!!!:yahoo:
I don't care what anybody says this was a great signing. Comparisons to Meshawn fall a little short, because he went to a SB contender and more than likely gave them that discount. Also, Moulds is better than Johnson in my opinion and probably has more gas in tank. I'm so happy this got done I can't wait for the season to start.
If it's for a 5th it's a bloody gereat signing, and caps off what has beed a wonderful month or so for us fans. Here's hoping top a great draft in a few weeks. Nice job Kubiak and Cass.
Carr Bomb said:
I don't think you get the point, We did make our later round picks worth something.

With the 5th and 7th pick we totally revamped our entire WR core and as far as making later picks starters and contributor, both those picks that we used to acquire players, will be starters and contributors

Okay, my perspective isn't mutually exclusive from what you guys are saying.

I am not saying you guys are wrong or the deal is bad, just a take look from a different perspective.

For example on the Walters deal, yes we just got a possession WR with some potential upside that does good work on special teams for a 7th pick. Yes, that is good deal for us. But look at it from a different perspective, now Cincinnati has two 7th rounds picks to do the same thing again. Let's just say the later rounds are pot luck, which for the better teams I don't think they are, they have better chance of their 7th rounders becoming future contributing players. Furthermore, they are really getting to decide who they want to keep on their team. I know you can't do this with every later round pick but I want to focus on being the best in the league on this because that is value.

Here is an example on the Moulds thing. Let's say you are married with kids and moving across the country for a new job. You find the neighborhood you want to live and the house. You place the bid on the house but get outbid by someone who is just moving up in the neighborhood and doesn't need to move right away. You are living in an apartment and the wife and kids want a house pronto. Instead of waiting a few months and paying market, you pay a premium. The guy just living in the neighborhood trying to move up takes his time because there is no rush and won't pay the premium. These are in different positions and the first guys pays the premium because of his situation.

That is what I am talking about the 5th round pick we gave. It is a good deal considering the position we are in. But let's not be in it again, let's not kiss later round picks good bye.

Hopefully, I have explained it there.

I don't think you guys or wrong, or that it is even a bad deal.

Just take a different perspective to guage if the organization is making the right moves in the future.
“I would tell them to get their tickets ready. You are going to see a show,” Moulds said, when asked what message he had for Texans fans. “It’s not going to be the same Texans you’ve seen before. It’s going to be an exciting time.”

I know it was posted above and quoted... just wanted to see it one more time.

I think I get what Hollywood is saying, that we could've waited till he was released, then get Moulds.... but like was mentioned - may go to another team or get into a bidding war. This way, we had a little influence in the decision. (Oh, thanks for the additional influence #80).


Edit... can't wait for player introductions when the stadium screams the names of our newest Texans.
A4toZ said:
I know it was posted above and quoted... just wanted to see it one more time.

I think I get what Hollywood is saying, that we could've waited till he was released, then get Moulds.... but like was mentioned - may go to another team or get into a bidding war. This way, we had a little influence in the decision. (Oh, thanks for the additional influence #80).


Yep. If paying a 5th round pick is what it takes to sign top notch players, then call me crazy, but I kind of like that proposition.
the best thing of this trade is that it already looks like moulds and dre already have a good relationship off the field which will help them produce on the we just need to get carr and putzier into that mix so they are ready to go by season's start
hollywood_texan said:
I don't understand your last point. I thought it was a player by player situation like you described above. Your last point leads me to believe you take into account all free agent signings and that you lose as a whole.

I understand the general principle idea and what you described..

Trying to show a different perspective but it is not getting through.

My point is really more of an analysis of where the organization is right now and what we need to do so we are not in it in the future.

Which means, make our later round picks worth something. Either the player becomes a starter or contributor, or we get compensation through a compensatory pick. I know we can't do it on every player but let's have the highest success percentage in the league.

I don't like the idea of just saying, oh it is 5th round selection and kiss it good bye.

Hopefully you understand the perspective I am trying to put on this besides this is greatest thing and Carr is going to through for 5,000 yards, Reggie Bush is going to break ankles on screens, and so and so on.

Now, that is really it. If you don't get it now, either I am not explaining right or something else.

Either way, it really doesn't matter because I don't make any decisions except for pay for my season tickets.

Go Texans.

Looking forward to the 2006 season.

I don't understand your first point, last point, or any point in between. So, if I gather, you seem to think it's best to pick a totally unknown in the 5th round, develop him in hopes of then losing him as a RFA, so we can get a conpensatory 5th rd pick in a future draft? Your logic defies all sense, common or otherwise. You are making this WAY more difficult then it needs to be. You compare what quality of player you are trading for, to the LIKELY quality of player available in that spot in the draft. Forget about all your convoloted logic. If you can name me a player who is likely to go to 4 pro-bowls and nab him in the 5th round, let's hear it. Otherwise, you are so far out in left field, I can't even find you with binocoulars.
Ibar_Harry said:
From the Chronicle and you will love this. Kind of sounds like me and what I have been saying. Oh, well. lets have some fun.

The only thing I don't like is no confirmation by the Bills or Houston....

Once again, the deal is done. Read this and begin to salivate. He's also let the cat out of the bag. I would say from this article BUSH is it. Instead of nashing your teeth over a 5th or 6th or whatever, just realize this might be the biggest pickup in the Texans short history. Its the piece that may well fit all of the rest of the offense together. This is big. Enjoy what we are, not what we are not......
hollywood_texan said:
Okay, my perspective isn't mutually exclusive from what you guys are saying.

I am not saying you guys are wrong or the deal is bad, just a take look from a different perspective.

For example on the Walters deal, yes we just got a possession WR with some potential upside that does good work on special teams for a 7th pick. Yes, that is good deal for us. But look at it from a different perspective, now Cincinnati has two 7th rounds picks to do the same thing again. Let's just say the later rounds are pot luck, which for the better teams I don't think they are, they have better chance of their 7th rounders becoming future contributing players. Furthermore, they are really getting to decide who they want to keep on their team. I know you can't do this with every later round pick but I want to focus on being the best in the league on this because that is value.

Here is an example on the Moulds thing. Let's say you are married with kids and moving across the country for a new job. You find the neighborhood you want to live and the house. You place the bid on the house but get outbid by someone who is just moving up in the neighborhood and doesn't need to move right away. You are living in an apartment and the wife and kids want a house pronto. Instead of waiting a few months and paying market, you pay a premium. The guy just living in the neighborhood trying to move up takes his time because there is no rush and won't pay the premium. These are in different positions and the first guys pays the premium because of his situation.

That is what I am talking about the 5th round pick we gave. It is a good deal considering the position we are in. But let's not be in it again, let's not kiss later round picks good bye.

Hopefully, I have explained it there.

I don't think you guys or wrong, or that it is even a bad deal.

Just take a different perspective to guage if the organization is making the right moves in the future.

...and what if another team snuck in the back door or the Bills kept Moulds--now, what will you get for that 5th round pick?...manuvering with draft picks is a way of life in the NFL and is not something that has a standard of being 'politically correct.'
hollywood_texan said:
Okay, my perspective isn't mutually exclusive from what you guys are saying.

I am not saying you guys are wrong or the deal is bad, just a take look from a different perspective.

For example on the Walters deal, yes we just got a possession WR with some potential upside that does good work on special teams for a 7th pick. Yes, that is good deal for us. But look at it from a different perspective, now Cincinnati has two 7th rounds picks to do the same thing again. Let's just say the later rounds are pot luck, which for the better teams I don't think they are, they have better chance of their 7th rounders becoming future contributing players. Furthermore, they are really getting to decide who they want to keep on their team. I know you can't do this with every later round pick but I want to focus on being the best in the league on this because that is value.

Here is an example on the Moulds thing. Let's say you are married with kids and moving across the country for a new job. You find the neighborhood you want to live and the house. You place the bid on the house but get outbid by someone who is just moving up in the neighborhood and doesn't need to move right away. You are living in an apartment and the wife and kids want a house pronto. Instead of waiting a few months and paying market, you pay a premium. The guy just living in the neighborhood trying to move up takes his time because there is no rush and won't pay the premium. These are in different positions and the first guys pays the premium because of his situation.

That is what I am talking about the 5th round pick we gave. It is a good deal considering the position we are in. But let's not be in it again, let's not kiss later round picks good bye.

Hopefully, I have explained it there.

I don't think you guys or wrong, or that it is even a bad deal.

Just take a different perspective to guage if the organization is making the right moves in the future.

We now have a quality recieving corps. Nothing like we had in the past. AJ can not be double teamed any more because there is another QUALITY reciever on the other side of the offense that they have to account for. We also picked up a quality possesion guy in Walters. I in all honesty do not believe we could have accomplished this through the draft without having to use our 2nd and one of our 3rd round picks. Even if we were lucky enough to pick up some quality rook's, do you want to wait another 2 maybe 3 yrs for them to develop. We can now focus on the o-line and defense with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rd picks. Dude! This team is begining to look really good on paper. A 5th and 7th for these two guys is a steal...IMO
Porky said:
I don't understand your first point, last point, or any point in between. So, if I gather, you seem to think it's best to pick a totally unknown in the 5th round, develop him in hopes of then losing him as a RFA, so we can get a conpensatory 5th rd pick in a future draft? Your logic defies all sense, common or otherwise. You are making this WAY more difficult then it needs to be. You compare what quality of player you are trading for, to the LIKELY quality of player available in that spot in the draft. Forget about all your convoloted logic. If you can name me a player who is likely to go to 4 pro-bowls and nab him in the 5th round, let's hear it. Otherwise, you are so far out in left field, I can't even find you with binocoulars.

There are reports that either Philadelphia or New England were waiting in the wings to scoop him up with the fire sale when he was released.

I am just saying, I want our organization to be in the position to decide to or not make a move and not be pressed. Those guys weren't willing to give up draft picks and were willing to wait.

That is what I am talking about and hopefully you can see that with your binocoulars besides just singing the praises of this move.

By the way I like deal considering the position we are in with WRs. But, also Buffalo got a freebe. They maybe the real winners in this whole thing because they were about to get jack regardless.
What happened to that guy who said the Bills held all the cards, that they didn't have to trade him for anything less than a third?

I guess I could read back a few dozens pages, but I have to get some sleep tonight.

By the way....100 pages and closing in on 2000 posts.
hollywood_texan said:
There are reports that either Philadelphia or New England were waiting in the wings to scoop him up with the fire sale when he was released.

I am just saying, I want our organization to be in the position to decide to or not make a move and not be pressed. Those guys weren't willing to give up draft picks and were willing to wait.

That is what I am talking about and hopefully you can see that with your binocoulars besides just singing the praises of this move.

By the way I like deal considering the position we are in with WRs. But, also Buffalo got a freebe. They maybe the real winners in this whole thing because they were about to get jack regardless.

This was McNair's way of comping Ralph Wilson if it makes you feel better.
hollywood_texan said:
Okay, my perspective isn't mutually exclusive from what you guys are saying.

I am not saying you guys are wrong or the deal is bad, just a take look from a different perspective.

For example on the Walters deal, yes we just got a possession WR with some potential upside that does good work on special teams for a 7th pick. Yes, that is good deal for us. But look at it from a different perspective, now Cincinnati has two 7th rounds picks to do the same thing again. Let's just say the later rounds are pot luck, which for the better teams I don't think they are, they have better chance of their 7th rounders becoming future contributing players. Furthermore, they are really getting to decide who they want to keep on their team. I know you can't do this with every later round pick but I want to focus on being the best in the league on this because that is value.

Here is an example on the Moulds thing. Let's say you are married with kids and moving across the country for a new job. You find the neighborhood you want to live and the house. You place the bid on the house but get outbid by someone who is just moving up in the neighborhood and doesn't need to move right away. You are living in an apartment and the wife and kids want a house pronto. Instead of waiting a few months and paying market, you pay a premium. The guy just living in the neighborhood trying to move up takes his time because there is no rush and won't pay the premium. These are in different positions and the first guys pays the premium because of his situation.

That is what I am talking about the 5th round pick we gave. It is a good deal considering the position we are in. But let's not be in it again, let's not kiss later round picks good bye.

Hopefully, I have explained it there.

I don't think you guys or wrong, or that it is even a bad deal.

Just take a different perspective to guage if the organization is making the right moves in the future.

Dude you are whacked. I would kiss every 5th, 6th, and 7th round pick every single year, if we could replace them with proven pro-bowl players. You seem to think a 7th round pick is somehow valuable. I have news for you. They aren't. Do you even have a clue on the odds of a 7th rounder making a team, much less becoming a pro-bowler? Try looking it up. Good team or bad. The odds are terrible. Does it happen, sure, but it's as rare as a 70 degree day in August. Since you like analogies, try this one. Would you rather I give you $10,000 cash (the proven pro-bowl player) that you can put in your pocket now,or would you rather I buy you one lottery ticket for an extrememely slim chance to win 100 million? (the 5th rd pick we gave up) Now, if you honestly answer the lotto ticket, then let's just say I am glad you are posting on this board, and are not in charge of the Texans! :ok:
From what i can tell by most reports is that the deal is "officially unofficial"

Reports from Moulds camp are yes. But neither team have officially posted info.
hollywood_texan said:
There are reports that either Philadelphia or New England were waiting in the wings to scoop him up with the fire sale when he was released.

I am just saying, I want our organization to be in the position to decide to or not make a move and not be pressed. Those guys weren't willing to give up draft picks and were willing to wait.

That is what I am talking about and hopefully you can see that with your binocoulars besides just singing the praises of this move.

By the way I like deal considering the position we are in with WRs. But, also Buffalo got a freebe. They maybe the real winners in this whole thing because they were about to get jack regardless.
Would you rather have Moulds or not? Philly or NE probaly couldv'e dished out more money to Moulds and we might not have gotten him. I agree fifth round pick is important but we are adding an instant impact player:redtowel:
Porky said:
Dude you are whacked. I would kiss every 5th, 6th, and 7th round pick every single year, if we could replace them with proven pro-bowl players. You seem to think a 7th round pick is somehow valuable. I have news for you. They aren't. Do you even have a clue on the odds of a 7th rounder making a team, much less becoming a pro-bowler? Try looking it up. Good team or bad. The odds are terrible. Does it happen, sure, but it's as rare as a 70 degree day in August. Since you like analogies, try this one. Would you rather I give you $10,000 cash (the proven pro-bowl player) that you can put in your pocket now,or would you rather I buy you one lottery ticket for an extrememely slim chance to win 100 million? (the 5th rd pick we gave up) Now, if you honestly answer the lotto ticket, then let's just say I am glad you are posting on this board, and are not in charge of the Texans! :ok:

Maybe I really am in charge in some capacity.

Every other team was willing to wait for him to be released. My point is, I want to be one of those teams that has the luxury to wait for when a good deal presents itself.

We paid a little extra, which I am fine and it will probably make up for itself next year alone, but let's try get with the market than paying a premium.

I like your analogy, but we are the only one willing to trade a draft pick, which is my point. We paid a little above market.

Which, like I said is cool.

It's just a different perspective. Like another perspective, Buffalo got a freebe because we were in a jam. That got 5th rounder for nothing because they were going to release him anyway.
Texizgreat said:
From what i can tell by most reports is that the deal is "officially unofficial"

Reports from Moulds camp are yes. But neither team have officially posted info.

That's what the chronicle is saying if anybody would read. This seems to be a very strange deal. I still think Buffalo is dragging its feet. Everyone is saying yes, but who is saying NO. If I were to bet, I would say its Ralph Wilson based on a posting up a couple of notches. I would bet Wilson and McNair are not the best of friends because the recent agreement reached by the clubs.
hollywood_texan said:
Every other team was willing to wait for him to be released. My point is, I want to be one of those teams that has the luxury to wait for when a good deal presents itself.
Every other team in the leauge is not in as bad as we were and can afford to lose out on one good player
Mathis13 said:
Would you rather have Moulds or not? Philly or NE probaly couldv'e dished out more money to Moulds and we might not have gotten him. I agree fifth round pick is important but we are adding an instant impact player:redtowel:


It is just we paid a little above market, which is totally cool. That's all, and I just want some people to acknowledge that. Kind of like when Jules in Pulp Fiction wanted Vincent to acknowledge that God came down from Heaven and diverted those bullets. Okay, I am over doing it a bit.

One thing I really like about the Moulds acquisition and probably getting Bush is that there are no excuses on offense next year with Kubiak running the show.

However, I am more of the school to win championships starts between controlling the game between the tackles is most important and hot shot quarterbacks and flashy running backs are not that important.

Kind of like the Pittsburgh philosophy. They lost Buress last year and still won the Super Bowl.
Ibar_Harry said:
That's what the chronicle is saying if anybody would read. This seems to be a very strange deal. I still think Buffalo is dragging its feet. Everyone is saying yes, but who is saying NO. If I were to bet, I would say its Ralph Wilson based on a posting up a couple of notches. I would bet Wilson and McNair are not the best of friends because the recent agreement reached by the clubs.

According to the deal is done. Its posted on their front page.
hollywood_texan said:
Again, missing my point, the successful teams don't look at the later rounds as pot luck.

They turn those guys into compensatory picks.

Think of Walters and Cincinnati.

We need to start working that side of the equation.

I don't think teams draft someone in the 5th, 6th, or 7th rounds with the thoughts that in a few years we can get a 5th, 6th, or 7th round pick out of the guy when he signs with another team. I think the successful teams find talent in those rounds that they keep and help them win. Broncos with Davis, Patriots with Brady.
Ibar_Harry said:
If you read your own link to, you will read and see what I'm taling about. Chronicle is reporting the same thing......

In fact it looks like the same report that is in the Chronicle.....

All I'm trying to say if the NFL has it on their site it would be safe to say the deal is done.
Porky said:
I would kiss every 5th, 6th, and 7th round pick every single year, if we could replace them with proven pro-bowl players.

It's not a truly fair comparison (because it couldn't have happened), but would many people have screamed if the Texans have traded Gaffney and a 5th-rounder to some fictional team for a WR equal to Moulds? I would've been happy with that. And the net effect's pretty close to it. This guy is good and will be a steady hand among a young WR crew.

I honestly can't believe how well this front office is handling things right now. I'm very pleased.

Besides, that Gaffney's from a basketball school, anyway. :jk:

EDIT: By the way, news of the deal IS posted at in their "Bills Clips Today" section (lower right). It just links to a whole list of other reporting on the deal, though.