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AUSTIN fans! Where are we gonna watch?

i was just thinking long term. next year when we have 9 prime time games it will be a problem.

none the less, i'm kind of excited about heading over to the saxon. i guess we should start some kind of roll call:

me = 1
I have been watching games at The Saxon for 15 years. That's where I met Big Wig actually. I'll be there. If we can ever turn this team around and get a fan base built again we may be able to get the boards and shotguns running again at the Saxon Pub also.
I personally will probably never go back to " The Turd Base " because of exactly what Wig stated.
AUSTIN fans! Where are we gonna watch?

I would like to answer this " AT HOME"
It looks like no one will show up again just like it has been year in year out.
I quit trying again, I give up I will always support my team but you wont find me organizing any watches ever. Only Kev and myself were there and we even left during the third quater so we could have more fun at out own homes!
Actually there was about 5 minutes left in the 4th Wig, but yea it was a piss poor showing. The bartender parks in back and all you have to do is knock on the door if they are not unlocked yet.
I need to reconfirm the Saxon pub. I went there two weeks ago and the bar was empty. Boy do I mean EMPTY and DARK. They didn't have Sunday Ticket either.

I went to the Saxon Pub on Lamar. There is a knight out on the street. Somewhere around the 1700 block of Lamar?

Did I go to the right place?
Joe's Bar and Grill on West Ave., between 5th and 6th downtown will be showing the game this weekend(Nov.9). See you there!
I couldnt' even finish watching this game, it was proabably a good thing I didnt come down, I would have spent oo much money drowning my sorrrows, and then I would have needed a cab ride so I didnt get into more trouble.:gun: